United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the official title of the UK) is in fact, a unitary state consisting of four main parts: the three constituent countries of England, Scotland and Wales (collectively termed as Great Britain) and the province of Northern Ireland. Apart from 66 official cities, the UK has a large number of towns big enough to be considered cities. However, some of the UK’s official cities are even smaller than large villages or small towns.
Why Study in United Kingdom?
- The UK has the world sixth-largest economy in terms of nominal GDP
- The UK is one of the most globalized countries in the world
- The UK is the second-largest financial centre in the world, after the USA
- Worldwide recognition of degrees
- Shorter durations hence education costs are lower
- Gateway to Europe
- Multicultural Nation
- The creative way of teaching and learning
- Degrees backed by Quality Assurance Agencies (QAA, RAE, EQUIS, AMBA, OFSTED, SQA etc.)
- According to the new guidelines issued by the Britain government, educational institutions must be equipped with a license from the UK Border Agency (UKBA) indicating their eligibility to sponsor foreign candidates. As a result, the educational universities and colleges take full responsibility for foreign students studying in the UK
Why Study in United Kingdom?

- The UK has the world sixth-largest economy in terms of nominal GDP
- The UK is one of the most globalized countries in the world
- The UK is the second-largest financial centre in the world, after the USA
- Worldwide recognition of degrees
- Shorter durations hence education costs are lower
- Gateway to Europe
- Multicultural Nation
- The creative way of teaching and learning
- Degrees backed by Quality Assurance Agencies (QAA, RAE, EQUIS, AMBA, OFSTED, SQA etc.)
- According to the new guidelines issued by the Britain government, educational institutions must be equipped with a license from the UK Border Agency (UKBA) indicating their eligibility to sponsor foreign candidates. As a result, the educational universities and colleges take full responsibility for foreign students studying in the UK
Aspects of United Kingdom scope
Types of Qualifications offered in United Kingdom
- Under Graduation Courses (BA/ B.Sc./B.Engg.etc.)
- Post Graduation Courses (MA/ M.Sc./ MBA etc.)
- Post Graduation research (M.Phil, etc.)
- Research Level (PhD, DBS etc.)
TIER 4 VISA: Students
Introduced in March 2009, the Tier 4 visa categories cater to students who are paying tuition in the UK. It highlights the significance laid by the universities and colleges on income from overseas. The prime objective of the Tier 4 immigration service is to offer a straightforward, user-friendly and transparent solution to students willing to study in the UK.
Cost of Living for Main Application
- Pound 9136 ( 1015 pound multiplied by 9 months ) in case the UK University and College is in London (inside of inner London boroughs)
- Pound 11385 (1265 pound multiplied by 9 months) if the University and College are outside London (outside of inner London boroughs)
Categories of Tier 4
There are two student categories in Tier 4 of the points-based system:
- General student: This category is intended for students coming to the UK for post-16 education.
- Child Student: This category is designed for children between 4 and 17 years of age who are coming to the UK for their education. However, children between 4 and 15 years of age may only be educated at independent fee-paying schools.
Cost of Living for Dependents
- Pound 7605 (845 pounds multiplied by 9 months ) if the University of the main applicant is in London (inside of inner London boroughs)
- Pound 6255 (615 pounds multiplied by 9 months ) if the university is outside London (outside of inner London boroughs)
UK Tier 4 Point Based System
Students must fulfill all the requirements of Immigration Rules, other than having 40 points.
- CAS statement (Confirmation Acceptance for Studies) issued from universities/institutions ( registered in UK Border Agency Sponsor Register) will provide the students 30 points.
- The satisfaction of fund requirements as mentioned by the UK Border Agency will make him/her eligible to get an additional 10 points and therefore obtain Visa.

Official Name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prime Minister: Theresa May
Land Area: 93278 sq mi (241590 sq mi); Total area: 94526 sq mi (244820 sq mi)
Population:65.64 Million (2016) World Bank
Life Expectancy: 81.60 Years (2015)
Capital and Largest City: London
Other large cities: Glasgow, Birmingham, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Leeds, Bristol, Manchester, Bradford
Monetary unit: Pound Sterling
Dialling Code:+44
GDP Per Capita: 43,299, USD (2015)
Fertility Rate: 1.81 Births Per Woman (2015)
Official Religion: Christianity
Heritage of United Kingdom

Why to choose us?
If you are considering studying in United Kingdom, this is the place for you! We at PARKVIEW education consultancy aim to help you succeed. There are thousands of courses available today, and we have the most detailed guide to help you from the start to finish. In addition to helping you find the right school, we offer various resources to assist you in your studies, work, and living in United Kingdom, and we even include information about life after graduation. Stick with us to go down under!
UK Universities